Formed in late 2019, the Fyshwick Business Association is the voice of more than 1,000 business owners and 15,500 workers, championing the interests of our evolving light industrial, creative, recreational, hospitality, commercial, retail and professional precinct.

Research shows 97 per cent of Canberrans visit Fyshwick every year, and one in five at least once a week. So, what happens in Fyshwick affects the whole of Canberra.

For too long, Fyshwick has been neglected in planning Canberra’s future. Now, we are changing that.

The ACT Government agreed with our campaign saying large scale waste facilities were not appropriate for Fyshwick and in early 2021 passed legislation banning them, as well as prohibiting any future expansion of existing waste facilities.

The power of a united voice cannot be underestimated. Your support enables us to represent your views and help you with advice relevant to your business needs and concerns in Fyshwick.

We continue to work with all parties in the Legislative Assembly educating them about Fyshwick’s contribution to Canberra and the wider ACT economy and advocating for the things that matter to Fyshwick businesses, property owners and workers.

We are listening and we want to hear from you. New businesses subscribe every week. Why not be one of them? Find out more…

Founded in 2019, the Fyshwick Business Association champions the interests of business and property owners, workers and visitors to our dynamic precinct.